Chakras - Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World

The chakra system is a model for the flow of energy that runs through all life and through the human energy system. It is like a ladder that takes us from the physical realm of substance up through the workings of the higher mind and spirit, and into the realm of Divine Consciousness. Within the human and animal bodies these vortices exist within what is called the subtle body – a hidden field of energy that holds ones urges, emotions, habits and the imprints of all that has happened to that being.

The Hindu seers of ancient India perceived these vortices and described them in the Vedas around 3000 BC. These seers saw seven main charkas (or wheels) along the midline of the body in the front of the spinal column and found that they seemed to mirror ones physical health, emotional stability, mental clarity and spiritual state. This manner of comprehending energy is based on the ancient knowledge that all life is energetic and spiritual in origin and that man, earth and the cosmos are connected. Each chakra, or energy center, is linked to an element. The earth element, for instance, is associated with the first chakra, or Root Chakra. This chakra sits at the base of the spine and conducts energy into the hips, legs, and feet. Through the Root chakra we are anchored physically in our bodies and supplied with the life force we need to maintain and support our lives.

Each chakra corresponds with many different qualities and substances. For instance, each chakra resonates with a color, a musical note (or vibration/sound), an endocrine gland, a sense (smell, sight, etc.) organs of the body or body systems and an emotion. There are also certain affinities to each chakra with specific crystals, gemstones, and even plants. For instance, the Root Chakra is red in color and has a very dense vibration - thus why it is experienced as a grounding energy. It affects our ability to be present in our body and produces the vitality that we need for survival. Emotionally, it is connected to fear, self worth, a sense of belonging and basic survival instincts. The endocrine glands that are affected by these emotions-energetic disturbances are the adrenal glands. Physical disturbances of the Root Chakra can entail gastric upset or dis-ease, problems with joints, back and bones (support) and weight issues or eating disorders.

         The Importance of Working Through Energetic Imbalances

Our charkas are the repositories of our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes about life. If we have narrow ideas about life and limit our existence, then our energy field will be small and narrow. Without the adequate amounts of vital energy, we fall into physical and psychological imbalance. Chronic shortages of energy can lead to illness.

The charkas form a well-organized system that keeps the life force directed, economical and fluid. When something happens to impede the flow of life energy, the charkas slow down activity, and energy becomes sluggish and even stagnant. If this situation is temporary, the energy resumes its natural flow. If the situation continues for some time, the charkas need stimulation to become active again. Essentially, our health and well being depend on active charkas.

Today, in a highly stressful world we are in need of understanding the ancient knowledge about energy and how it works. It strives to empower people to make optimal choices for health, connectedness, and love. It also teaches us that we are more than just a physical body: we are a complete energy system that unites all levels of being into an energetic totality. What we think and feel influences every cell in our body.

-Tanya Vallianos

Tanya Vallianos, MA, LPC, ATR, NCC, EMDR III, EAP II is a psychotherapist in private practice in Fort Collins, CO, who works from a holistic and integrative model. 970-420-9504